
Photo by Flare Photography

My name is Tannis Emann and I was born and raised in Calgary and I still happily call it home. I have been a teacher for 13 years and my experiences have included Kindergarten to Grade 6, special education, a range of schools, team teaching and leadership. I am grateful for the rich diversity in my career as it continually challenges me and pushes my practice forward. Technology has always been a part of my teaching and in many forms. I love the variety, richness and depth of experiences that it makes possible for students and teachers. This year I am taking many risks as I leap off the virtual edge of teaching and learning. I have physically and metaphorically removed the walls of my classroom by taking a professional leave from my school to work on my Master’s in Educational Technology and Design at the University of Saskatchewan.  My loyal study partner is our black lab Rudie. She shows her support by doing my sleeping for me and reminding me that fresh air and a good walk always put life into perspective.

My faithful study companion

On a daily basis I feel grateful and honoured to be learning and working in a field that is my passion, and inspired by the countless amazing people who are on a similar journey. I strive to navigate the digital world with an open mind and the real world with an open heart.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Tannis,
    You are doing a wonderful job of applying the concepts taught in this class. For someone knew to all this material, you have displayed an ability to not only learn, but make the learning real. I have no doubt that your openness to learning will no doubt benefit those you teach.



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